Sr Bhakita Mathew Mazula

Message from Principal

At White Lake High School we seek to support the whole child so that they may reach their full academic, social, emotional and Physical potential.

Currently, this school is under the Supervisory of Religious sisters of the Catholic Church who makes a team of gifted Teachers, Nurses and Bursars. The school is becoming one of the best school of excellence in academic matters in Tanzania.

To this end we employ the skills of an experienced set of committed teachers, recognized for their for their professionalism and dedication, our teachers are just one pillar of the strong community which flourishes at White Lake High School, Our community is further supported by high levels of pastoral care.

There is something very special about White Lake; everybody who walks through our school notices how amazing our children are. They are beautifully behaved, well-mannered and aspirational.

We wish all the best to the school team that they will continue to contribute effectively toward the goals of our nation, we are committed in making a real difference to the children in our care through promoting the values of Loyalty, Friendship, Respect and Excellence.